Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The VOICE!!! Predictions already!

Ok - I'm going out on a limb here after the knock out rounds!  Team Adam is going to have Amanda (the Steal from Ceelo) and Melanie Martinez til the end...

Ceelo's going to the final with Trevin - C'mon that kid can BELT one OUT!

Kristina will take De'borah to the end, but she likes Adriana so she'll get dragged as far as Xtina can pull her! (And I really hate it that she calls her self 'x' tina.  D'oh!

Blake has the most well rounded team of good SINGERS this round - but I am guessing sassy Michaela will make it to the finals! I like several of the five he has left though, and won't count him out.

I think that several mistakes were made in the knockout pairings that sent some good ones home this season- they really have to be thinking who can WIN this, not who is unique or cute etc.  Who has the VOICE! 

Adam said it best though, that it's about these "moment's" and boy did Amanda have one when she sang Dream On the other night!!!  I see her against Trevin in the final...  Anyone?

Once Upon a Time November 2012

Once Upon a Time with Jack & the Beanstalk this week was ok.  I must admit I'm liking 'Hook' with his guyliner & sexy savvy!  ;)
Things are starting to get pieced together with Emma and how she got pregnant with Henry. But, does anyone get the connection to the boyfriend and August Booth/Pinnochio?  I mean, do you think the boyfriend is related to storybrook or the previous 'land'?  Perhaps he is just separate, from the real world instead.  Here's my question, what happened to August Booth/Pinnochio in Storybrook?  Last we saw, he was turning wooden and then when the 'folks' went to look for him, he wasn't in his room anymore. ? But then this week, they flash back to him helping Emma by getting her away from the thief/boyfriend for some supposed 'fated future', which I get.  I just don't get where his is now... and is he Pinnochio or not?  Mystery for sweeps week I suppose!
Who likes the new meanie Cora over Regina?  I think she's much better at being scary, that's for sure. I wasn't afraid of Regina, just thought she was a bitch!  This Cora is nightmare material no? (Great acting!!!)

Anyone else more into finding out who's who faster? :)

Fringe! November 2012

This last season of Fringe is kinda of freaking me out... if it wasn't the last season, I'd say the jumped the shark already wouldn't you? It is cool that they used old fringe mysteries against the observers about a week ago.  I hope they do some more of that stuff!  I don't want to spoil but... scroll down to avoid spoiler...

I think that somehow, the daughter (Etta) will come back - either through time travel or some other fringe science stuff.  I have a feeling the whole thing will end back in present day with Etta being a baby so they can start their married bliss over.  What freaky things will Peter do with that new tech he put in his brain?  It must be necessary in order to fight the baldee 'observers' though.  Expect him to turn all mean & nasty - Like in Vampire Diaries when Stephen turned off his 'humanity' right?

Is anyone still confused about the Fringe Director 'Broyles' though?  I thought he got swapped out for one of those alternate brainswapping things from the other side!  I don't remember that resolving itself except for the door permenantly closing.  Broyles on the OTHER side was killed trying to help Olivia back...? But this side he was corrupted no?  I loved it when they called the Walter from that side 'Walternate'.  Buahahahaha  Funny!

Hey, maybe they'll come together again to fight off these observer dudes?  What do ya think?

More TV stuff tomorrow - I have several shows to post!
